Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Nine Reasons Why You Need To Be Reading Kevolution Theory (You Won't Believe #6!)

Look, I’m not good at self promotion. I like to fancy myself as a true Auteur. And one of the toughest things for artists to do is have the self-confidence to promote themselves. In the internet age, it’s easy to write any dreck and post it for the world to see. The two problems here are 1) just how do you get people on the internet to read your stuff and, most importantly 2) HOW DO I EVER MAKE ANY FUCKING MONEY DOING THIS?

The truth is, in the entire existence of Kevolution Theory, I’ve promoted it very little, and still racked up a ridiculous number of hits (almost 23,000) for never really doing anything for it. In my last writing gig, I was encouraged to write what we in the internet writing business as the “listicle.” Listicles, for you untalented writers, are essentially the Net’s take on Letterman’s Top Ten List. Establish a premise/set up, then deliver as many punch lines as you can. We all have those asshole friends on FB who constantly share such garbage as “15 Ways You Know You’re a Millennial!” or “10 Ways Your Dog Owns You” or “20 Ways To Seduce Hot Sober Women!”

Sound familiar? Most of the above headlines are usually followed by such verbiage as “You won’t believe #4!” or “You’ll love #7!” Ringing a bell now? And don’t you wanna just smack those dunces that constantly post this shit? I’ve been meaning to write a reply piece called “The 1 Fuck I Don’t Give About This Shit.” Next time, Kev.

Honestly, I hated writing most of the listicle posts. It’s great if you have a solid set up, and funny punch lines, but it is seriously tough to write 20 solid jokes for one set up. And that is essentially what the articles above do; establish a premise and beat it to the ground like it’s Cam Newton. (Too soon?) 
"Naw, It's OK, Kev."

Yet it seems my FB feed is spammed with this horse shit every day. So, somebody must be reading these. And what better way to expand my writing chops and drive traffic to this here kick ass blog by doing a listicle? Yay!

1) I rarely use big words. Really who has time? I’m just lucky you’re not checking out school girl porn or puppy videos. I mean, that’s pretty much all I do on the internet these days. Look, time is precious, and I’m not gonna try to come across any dumberer than I already am.

2) I’m funny. OK, so maybe that’s a judgement call. But I am willing to bet you’re all here for a quick (if not guilty) laugh. I’m not gonna get all heavy and pontificate about the deep meaning of life. I’m pretty sure you’re meant to laugh during life anyway, Frances.
Just read the above, lazy ass.

3) I have excellent use of pictures. Most of the pictures I use either have a semi hidden internet meme meaning or a funny caption. That’s when Maxim magazine jumped the shark BTW. As soon as they stopped using witty captions for the pictures, they lost it. In fact, picking out the pictures usually takes longer than writing the post itself. Usually because I end up GIS-ing things like “hot (insert any word here) girls” and suddenly it’s Thursday morning. Very addictive.

4) I am not very political. In the old days-you know, pre social media-you let the world know your candidate of choice by putting a tacky sign on your lawn. Now people let the world know their political choice by constantly fucking harping on it on your social media. E-fucking-nough all ready. We get it. We get it. You love Trump. You mock Bernie. You’re voting for Cruz. You’re voting for Hillary. We get it. Now I will let you in on a little secret. NO ONE FUCKING CARES WHO YOU ARE VOTING FOR! Why can’t the election be like The Force Awakens? Everyone was very aware to not talk about the spoilers. So let’s treat the election the same way, hmmmkay?

5) I don’t post all the time. There are some people who post like 20 different things a day on FB; pictures, quotes, games, who their best friends are, pictures of their lunch, a witless quip about the weather, song lyrics, kid/pet pictures, restaurant reviews, on and on and on. Do these people have jobs? Who dafuq has time to sit on their FB all day and post inanities? There was a time I traveled with no less than 4 web enabled devices and a hot spot, and I barely had time to ogle half naked college girls on Instagram, and these dipshits all up in FBs grill. I’ll only post something when I feel I have something to say. I will only post something after I’ve edited it, made sure it was “funny enough." Believe it or not, it can be a lengthy process. (To wit, I originally had 78 reasons why you should read this blog.) For example, this post has already taken me like 50 minutes to type just the first draft with my two good typing fingers. And that’s not even counting the inevitable time I will waste staring at half naked college girls on Instagram. Art takes time people! Quality over quantity.
Must..come up....with.....ten reasons....

6) Nah, you really wouldn’t believe it anyway.

7) I, for one, am NOT controlled by the coconut oil contingent. I mean, really, when did these guys get so much power? I suspect the coconut oil people are just an offshoot of the Illuminati. It seems not a day goes by that I don’t see a story on the news or in my feed where coconut oil cures every disease under the sun. Just this week alone, I’ve read stories where coconut oil cures the following; chapped lips, dandruff, halitosis, Hulkamania, dry skin, paranoia, bruises, boogie woogie flu, Zika virus, fear of spiders, the plague (both Black and Bubonic), fever, PMS, eye boogers, shyness, anti-Semitism, split ends, resting bitch face, insomnia, melancholy, swamp ass, muscle soreness and the heebie jeebies. Hell, I’ve heard coconut oil
"Are...are you SURE that's actually coconut oil?"
applied directly to the penis can make it bigger. Although, this hasn’t been my experience. Yet…

8) I am not afraid to use the word “fuck.” Really, it is a sorely underused word in everyday use. Yes, there are still some prudes who get their granny panties all in a bunch over a word. Get over it. Um, sorry, I meant get the fuck over it. Fuck is a fantastically flexible word. You can be cold as fuck or hot as fuck. You can have a fuck, but certainly not give a fuck. Fuck is a noun, verb, adjective, compliment, insult, expletive- it’s like the coconut oil of words. And it just feels really good to say. “Fuck.” Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck.

9) OK, there are far more than just 9 reasons to read K Theory. But the rest would just be bragging.

So, what’s your favorite reason to read this blog? Whatever it is, I thank you for reading it. Be back soon, hopefully not with another listicle.

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