Saturday, June 20, 2009

Proposed New Kevolution Theory Taglines

Ok, so this here blog has been around for a while now. And I've been using that same "It's not Revolution..." tagline at the top of the page. Since I am not computer proficient, we all have to suffer with just my extreme gift of writing knowledge. As such, and in the interest of keeping this bloggy dealie thingy all fresh like, i thought it was time to try some new stuff here.

And seeing how I am a computer knudnick, the easiest way for me to do so is try a few new taglines. So, with that in mind, here is what I've come up with.

The funniest combinations of 26 letters

The lighter side of undiagnosed clinical depression

The ramblings of a miscreant

What will one day be referred to as “The Lost Years”

If Christina Applegate just read this, she would madly, uncontrollably fall in love with me

Charm personified

Reality with a side of sarcasm. Or maybe the other way around. Whatever

Fourth grade humor written on a second grade level

Based on a true story

Where Coke is for color, and beer ain’t for sippin’

Soon to be a major motion picture

Where truth doesn’t count as much as humor

Bonus Features

DVD Commentary

OK, so this is one of those 'easy'posts. It's all essentially punchlines. It's one of those throw everything at the wall and see what sticks kinda things. Now if I knew how to post some sort of poll on here.....

Ideas you can steal for your college thesis


Anonymous said...

I read this.


countpopula said...

Ramblings of a miscreant sounds good to me.