There I was, Saturday morning. It was a good morning as I
didn’t get shitfaced on Friday night. Theory Pup 2 let me sleep in a little
bit, which is damn nice of the guy. I didn’t know what time it was, but the summer
sun filling the room in June colors told me it was about an hour or so later
than what time I typically get up during the week. I picked up my phone, just
to see the time. I was happy with the extra sleep, and anxious to actually get
a full, fun Saturday in. Why stare at my phone? I can see there is a nice
summer day unfolding, let’s go get it! Phone goes down, day starts. I am in the
gym nice and early, so there’s only a few people who can watch me try not to
drop plates and bars on various body parts that are mostly soft tissue. I get a
really solid workout in. Get back home, and realize I never “checked my phone.”
I can see there are no texts (no one loves me) and no important email. Here, I
can make a choice, I can get sucked down the hole that is Facebook. Or I can
keep the good flow of a beautiful Saturday going. I make one of those
spontaneous decisions I am famous for (Like seeing how much of a pie I can eat) and decide this day is too beautiful and too promising to waste on
Facebook. I am going to go 24 hours without checking FB.
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This is your brain without social media. |
Already, there is a uniqueness to this morning. This is not
the typical start. In fact, I dare say most of us start our mornings a little
something like this; I am pretty sure most of my readers are at least
comfortable enough with technology, that they have eschewed the traditional alarm
clock, and just use their phone. I am no different. However, I soon found
myself falling into a trap that I had set for myself. Here’s the scenario;
alarm goes off disgustingly early. I open my eyes, and pray I am waking up in
my bed, and not a tub of ice in some seedy hotel with a note saying some of my
organs were removed, also there is a ton of rented porn on the hotel bill. (Truth
be told, those two things may not have a lot to do with each other.) Upon
realizing I was in fact in my own bed, I grab my phone, swipe the MFing alarm
off. From there I can unlock it, and what pops right up? Right, FB, because
that was the last thing I looked at before I went to bed. Now, it was fairly
easy for me to stop that useless habit (checking socials and getting fired up
at the stupidity I see, which in turns keeps me up all night), but the feeling
to “just check FB/socials real quick” got to the point it was a flaming waste
of time and immediately put me in a bad mood. Why are we waking up and checking
social media? Is it FOMO?
Is it for breaking news? No. No, likely, it is to
immediately start comparing ourselves to others. We don’t like what we see,
either in our friends our ourselves, and now we’re dark sourpusses all day. if
there’s one thing you take away from this blog today; please let it be this:
OK, that was just a test. Here’s the real lesson;
Any morning. In fact, don’t let it be the second, third or
tenth thing you do. This lesson came quite harshly, as one morning it hit me;
there is a perfectly fine and fluffy puppy belly waiting on the
couch. And that’s how I start all my mornings now. Alarm goes off, I shut it
off, phone goes face down, and I greet the morning with my best friend. That’s
the way to do it, not by getting yourself all fired up over some dipshits on
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Be proud to be a jomo. G'head, be a flaming jomo all you want. |
Back to Saturday. The clock tells me it’s noon, and I am in
an unusually good mood and pleasantly sober! Maybe there really is something to
staying off the socials, and just living your day.
So what did I do with my vast, newfound amount of freetime?
I spent time with my parents. I spent time with my dog. I
read books. I caught up on magazines (Ok, from October 2018.) I binged. (TV,
not rum!) I listened to music. I did shit around the house. I napped in the
hammock. I found the inspiration to write after months. I spent time with people important to me. I did my best to
live in the moment. And I had zero FOMO. I ventured out into the world.
I went to a bar, where everybody-everybody- was
staring into their phone, even the bartenders and DJ. Their faces aglow in
zombie like light. Their screens full of FB, IG, texts, etc. There was a bunch
of people here, but it seemed like I was the only one truly there. I
watch as a couple comes in and sits at the bar. Husband has on a stereotypical
Hawaiian shirt, even though we are about as far away from Hawaii-in many
respects- as possible. Maybe it was their big night out, maybe they had a
sitter, I don’t know, but they were different. I suspect they Ubered it there,
as they both seemed to be politely buzzed. As my man ordered a flight of beer,
his inner Jimmy Buffett became unleashed, and he sang along with the music to
his wife. A little sloppy, but not rude and offensive. And she was laughing
back. They were the happiest two in the joint. Maybe it’s more than just
coincidence than neither of them were staring into their phone. They were
actually having fun, and almost no one saw that and appreciated it like
I did. Everyone else was staring into their phones and socials. But I can
assure you, I was more entertained than any other schlub there.
As I awoke Sunday, also still having both kidneys safely
stored inside me, guess what? Still no FOMO. In fact, much like the IFChallenge I did a while back, it was all very positive forward momentum. “Hell,
I got this far, and I feel awesome! Let’s go another day.” And I did. And,
again, it was awesome.
Monday morning comes like a vengeful goblin, and I finally decide to check FB. You
know what I missed? Nothing, absolutely nothing. When I logged back in, after the first 6 or so posts, it was literally the same BS. I
missed little. My perspective from this experience was fresh, as I scrolled
down a few more posts, I saw all the behavior that I didn’t miss in full bloom.
Stuff like:
FB not only enables creeping, it already does the creeping on you. Yes, this is old news, but this is my story. About a week or so ago, I
ordered a foam roller because my back needs to crack like its full of painful
popcorn. I order it, it shows up, mad cracking commences. Now, here’s the
thing. I never used FB to research this, I knew what I wanted because the gym
has one that works for me. (sidenote; however rolling on the floor and loudly
saying, “Oh yea, that’s the spot, right there!” is not being well met.) Open
FB, and wanna guess what the first sponsored ad I see is? Yup, for that exact same
foam roller. Just another reminder, FB is stalking you. For some of you sickos,
that might make you feel a little better about yourself. Whatever floats your
Stop playing victim/attention whore with all your
issues/dramas. Not to get all Tony Robbins here (especially the pervy part),
but no one ever fixed a problem or achieved their dreams by just whining about
them on FB. Man the hell up, buttercup. I have a theory (duh) that the people who
post the least on their socials are the most grounded and self-realized people
living full and well intentioned lives.Or they are super busy doing important things.
I mean, it’s not like you see the President tweeting or anything. Of course, I
also have a theory that Taylor Swift wrote a song about me, so WTF do I know?
Enough with the constant barrage of vacation photos. Yes,
all your photos of the sunset/rise are all worthy of a mug on CafĂ© Press, but let’s
limit it here, eh? You know, it is possible to go away and not post about it? (Go follow Clark Little, and that’s all the photography you
need.) Every time I see you go away, I go to your empty house and rub my butt
all over your doorknobs.
Kind of unrelated, but anyone know any good lawyers? Seems
everybody has video doorbells these days.
Suicide is sadly still a thing. Maybe FB should stop with
all the political propaganda ads, and throw in some suicide awareness
PDAs and contacts. Just sayin’.
National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1 800 273 8255
@800273TALK on Twitter
I have totally slacked on my Presidential campaign. No
biggie, I can just hire some PR firm to put misleading ads on social media.
The amount of requests I get to like y’all side hustle pages
is getting to be reGDdiculous. Look, I support small business and friend’s
ventures all I can. But if your one of my FB “friends” who never says boo to me
(especially on Halloween), never wish me happy birthday, never like a picture
of Theory Pup 2, never acknowledge all my hysterical jokes, don’t read this
here blog, then don’t fucking expect me to acknowledge your home based tchotchke
selling business. You don’t encourage my waste of time and unprofitable side
gig, so you can’t expect me to support yours. (Editor’s note; in the process of
letting this post breathe a little bit, as I was editing it, a good FB friend asked
me to like a band page. She is always supportive of me; she ‘likes’ lots of my
posts and comments occasionally, so guess what? That band got a like.) (Editor’s
note; I don’t know why I used the term ‘editor’s note.’ I’m the friggin’ editor
here. I do all the writing, the pictures and their captions and the editing. Spoiler
alert, when you see the term ‘editor’s note’ it’s almost always the writer
trying to sound all haughty.)
Taking pictures of your babies every month they get older
needs to end. OK, spoiler alert, EVERY BABY LOOKS LIKE EVERY OTHER BABY THE
FIRST FEW MONTHS. Like, you could literally do this for 6 months, switching out
a new baby every time and no one would notice. Don’t believe me? I triple dog
(yes, just cutting right to the chase, here) dare you. Go nuts. Have a white
girl baby at 2 months, and a black male baby at 3 months, conjoined twins at 5
months. No one would notice. They’d all just blindly hit the ‘like’ button and comment,
YOU FEED THEM! You should be calling the authorities if the infant seems to be
getting smaller.
It’s apparently a law now that every time you go to the
airport, you have to “check in.” It’s apparently a by law that you then have to
humblebrag about either your job or your vacation. Well, whoop-de-fucking-do,
peckerhead, you boarded a plane! How about this, “check in” when you’re
actually flying the damn thing. Outside of that, get over yourself. Pretty sure
when Wilbur and Orville Wright first flew, they didn’t immediately dispatch the
carrier pigeons bragging how they actually flew and didn’t shit their
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"Orville! Call that putz Ford and tell him his autothingamajiggies will never cut it now!" |
Oh yea, I have a Twitter, too! Can't tell you the last time I checked it. is Twitter still cool? Have we moved onto something else? I need to know, so I can care less about it.
Apparently, people are now claiming to be something called “breatharians”on InstaGram. Just the fact that this horseshit has picked up so much traction
on IG and the main stream media only reinforces my correct decision to not even
be on IG. If you seriously think people can go months without eating, and can “breathe”
in nutrition, you are truly the r-word we can no longer use. I am pretty sure
IG is nothing but hot chicks wearing bikinis spouting off bullshit that
everyone takes as gospel. And that’s why I’m not on IG. IG only promotes
narcissism and anxiety. (That and the fact the only people I would follow are hot
chicks wearing bikinis. It would be embarrassing. Yes, I am a man with flaws,
but at least I own my flaws. Sometimes twice a night.)
So what do we take away from this experience, other than I have to get better at writing segues to end my posts? Maybe the time is upon us to pay more attention to what's happening outside the phone. Phones, as advanced and necessary as they are, will always come in boxes. Life doesn't, and if you think it does, you can always step out of that box and live a little bit. Just don't feel the need to feed the beast, and blab about it on your socials.
DVD Bonus Material
In the whole "editor's note" bit, part of letting a post breathe is giving it a day or two, then trying to put it in a coherent order and getting the pictures and captions (Editor's note; this is seriously about my favorite part of putting the post together.) In this particulate case, much of the time to "breathe" was me spending countless hours researching "fitness girls on IG" all for one joke. But, still, the time invested was well worth it.) You're welcome, fellas. Turns out I didn't even use the joke I had in mind.
1 comment:
Vengeful Goblin wins the game! Spoken like a true baby hater! Bitter much? Haha...This is why I love ya dude...too funny...and brave...
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