Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Google Game

Hello, and welcome to an exciting new feature here on KT. I've had this idea rattling about in my head for some time. And after posting yesterdays' Mandy Moore is watching me pee Klog, and seeing the number of hits I got and where they were coming from, I realized now is the perfect time to start the Google Game. Brilliant, creative idea, or cheap way to get hits? You be the judge.

The Google Game works like this. At a random time, I will look at Google Trends. if you don't spend any time there, you should. It's a great and immediate way to see what stories are hot at the moment. Anyway, a lot of the gigs I apply to look for something called SEO-Search Engine Optimization. Which is essentailly just using hot key words to attract readers. Based on the above Mandy Moore story, I got all kinds of new hits-and new readers, I am sure-from people just Googling her name. So if I throw in all the hot terms being searched for on Google right now..... I think you get my drift. Say for example, you write a blog about, I don't know , gardening. Well, if you wanted to attract new readers via Google search, you might want to write something like "As I was planting daisies, I was listening to Michael Jackson while wearing my favorite Steve McNair jersey." Jackpot!

The game will be to use the top 10 (give or take) terms from Google. Repeats do not count, so it will be just one mention of said term, and this will also allow for more terms to be used. All I have to do is come up with a brief, semi-coherent, passibly humorous story, and watch the hits roll in. I am sure like a ton of other dunderheaded bloggers thought of this, in which case I 1) apologize in advance and 2) say your blog will be nowhere near funny as mine. Sorry, that's just the way it is. Anyway, let's get to it. Based on Google terms from Tuesday 7/7 at 2:01.

The Michael Jackson Memorial service(1) is being televised right now, but I wouldn't know that, because I am looking at pictures of athletes wives. Right now I am looking at pictures of Andy Reid's wife. I always thought he just ate her. Anyway, next I will look at QBs wives, I am sure they are all hot, even if said QB doesn't play anymore. I bet guys like Steve McNair (2) have a smoking wife. Not like the poor schmo I know who's dating this Iranian chick or something. Fucked up name like Sahel Kazemi (3) or something just as guilty sounding. Man, she's crazy and I hope can't get a gun in this country.

Can someone tell me why Nicole Bobek (4) isn't in the Tour de France 209 standings yet? Maybe it's because she is a former figure skater? Last I heard, she was working at Hexagon Security (5) guarding Forest Lawn Cemetary (6). I think she works with Joyce De Witt (7), and Joyce has detail guarding Roger Stone Palin (8). I heard he likes the Tall Ships in Boston, MA 2009 (9) and can even secure the ships to the dock with the Gordian Knot (10).

Ok, so that's the first Google Game. If you're new to my blog, I humbly ask you to stay for a while, kick your shoes off (but watch, the dog might get them), and help yourself to whatever is in the fridge and check out some more of my stuff.

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