I often think that activism is rarely activism at heart. I often think it is motivated by other reasons; a drive to be PC, a desire to be seen as active and there by smart, to call attention to yourself (geez, I just can’t cut people a break, can I? All you do-gooders can go fuck yourself.) I cite this as an example. There is a house nearby that I often pass. And on their yard is a sign that says something to the effect of “Darfur-Not on my watch”. O really?
So by putting a fucking sign on your yard, whatever the fuck is going on in Darfur is now going to stop? “Whoa, boys, let’s think this over here. A sign just went up in the US on Mulberry Street, and we should all take heed.” Just my usually correct sense of common sense tells me the people at this house have no real fucking clue what is going on in Darfur. I am half tempted to knock on their door and ask them a few questions. I guess in some sort of way, it eases their subconscious or something. Or it makes them look smart in comparison to their non sign bearing neighbors.
I think the same thing of motards who frequent rallies on whatever the trendy issue/cause/conflict is. As Howard Stern has taught us, when interviewed many of these retards are dangerously fucking ignorant. Hey, don’t get me wrong, at least these fools are motivated to get off their couch and picket or protest or whatever for a cause. Me, my butt’s on the couch, maybe even wearing underwear.
We all see cars whose bumpers are covered with political messages. Save the trees, save the whales, emit less greenhouse gasses, blah, blah, blah. I am sure that Prius driver feels all high and mighty and all. All their do-goodery gets lost in the static.
So there we are at a dog fair last week. All kinds of vendors were there, from the big companies to the small, indy stores, toy companies, treat companies, rescues, etc. It was a nice day to get the boy out and sniff some new butts. And load up on tons of free swag.
While there, I was petting one of the rescue English terriers or some breed that kinda sounds like that. They had a table and were selling t-shirts. The shirts had this on the front:
OK, not really my kind of thing, but the dogs were so sweet, and I wanted to help out. And extend laundry day for one more day. So I shelled out the $15 for the shirt. Yes, that is not much, but when you are unemployed and living on government cheese and grass clippings, it’s a start. Most of my shirts that have writing on them generally say Corona or Ratt N Roll 1991 on them. So this was certainly a kind of statement for lil ol me
If you bother to read the words, it’s a fairly strong statement. I will not SIT on the sidelines, or back DOWN… It’s great, inspiring copy. But I do feel a bit shallow wearing it. I wear my Ts because they are comfortable and black. I am not used to people reading my chest, and thinking I am noble and dedicated about said cause and all. I mean I am, but just not as active as to do anything more than wear a stinking t-shirt.
So I feel a bit empty. To me it’s just a shirt that conveys a message. I am certainly not looking to have deep conversations at the bar about this. If I see someone who is wearing all political BS (i.e. shirt, buttons, etc) I am thinking they ain’t much of a party. I have given to dog charities in the past, (the cats can go fuck themselves) and hope to do even more once I find a job. But I just don’t know if that makes me any more different than the Darfur posers.
At least I can find comfort in the fact that by writing this Klog, maybe one of you 4 readers will be inspired. And if so, I recommend these places:
http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com/clickToGive/home.faces?siteId=3 (all you have to do is click, and dog food is donated)
OK, now I feel better. Still shallow, but a little bit better.