You know who has it easy on the internet these days? God.
Think about it, anytime something good or fortuitous (thank you, SpellCheck) happens,
he’s the first to get credit. Nice days, strokes of luck, etc. But, goddamn
(see what I did there) whenever an event of equal negative consequence happens,
God ain’t around. You never see a losing fighter say, “Well, I guess God just
liked the other guy better tonight.” Nope, God gets off scot-free for anything
bad. You never hear anyone say, “Why did God let all those innocent people get
killed?” or “Why did God let that guy crash that plane?” Nope, no one says it.
Here’s the impetus (look it up) behind today’s post. Through
the ever changing feed on my FB, I saw the following post. I will certainly protect
the innocent and ignorant here, and the post is edited to keep things
anonymous, but went along the lines of:
I have
some bittersweet news. My new job couldn’t have come at a better time. I just
found out that the job I just gave notice to is letting 50 people in my dep’t
go. I would have been included in this layoff but PRAISE BE TO GOD. He opened a
door for me to avoid the layoff and lead me to a much better position making
like God provided for the Israelites during the plagues, He provides for His
people even today. Despite our sins, He provides for our needs. Praise be to
Jesus and glory to God.
take a second to pray for my colleagues who don’t even know they will be losing
their jobs in 2 weeks.
I thank
GOD for putting me in in places to get extra info so I could see we were being
lied to.
Wow! Just ….wow!
So let’s explore the many flaws in statements like
this. Above all, the thing that angers
me the most is this is not “our God.” This is not “my god” or “your god.” No,
it’s “his God.” How fucking dare you
push your concept of “god” on me. Know why this isn’t “our God?” Because just
look at what this knucklehead is saying; ”the same God who just majorly
disrupted 49 other suckers lives spared me!”
How condescending. What do those other 49 people think about “god” now? The
same flawed logic this guy uses (“God is good, look at what he has provided for
me!”) simply doesn’t fit the bill of the exact same god who just willingly left
the other 49 shitheads unemployed. That is most certainly not the “god” of the
49 others, so how can it be the same “god” to him? Because it’s his notion of “god” the one who provides
for him at the cost of others. Now, tell me, just what kind of “god” is that? Definitely
not my “god.”
Then what follows is the typical “pray for the others” rigmarole.
Probably just as bad is to listen to this elitist moron. “I know so much more than them, God gave me extra info, those poor saps don’t even know they are losing
their jobs! But look at what god did for me because we’re besties!!!” (I almost
wrote ‘God’ to start this next sentence, but I am not sure that would help or
hurt my case.) The statement about him
knowing others are losing their jobs is just so unwarranted, it really is
totally unnecessary. Hope the Heathen 49 aren’t friends with him on FB or
tomorrow could be aawwwwkward.
How does this dipshit go into work tomorrow with a straight
face? I sincerely doubt he has the grape fruits to go to the Sinful 49 and say,
“The same God that spared me is the same one that just smited…smoten…whatever
the past tense of smite is-you. Tough break, but it’s OK, I’m praying for you.
Chin up, sport.”
I see posts like this all the time. But, man, it doesn’t
matter, because every time something good happens, God is there to take all the
credit. Where’s “God” for the 49 others? Where does God go when tragedies
happen? You never see people wailing, “Why did God do this to me?” Nope. No,
God is always there to take the credit but never the blame. (Which is also how
many of my previous bosses operated.)
And while we’re at it, can we PLEASE stop with all the
“Share this post and God will bless you” nonsense? Can someone please point
where in the Bible it says, “God will shine down many fortunes to those who
forward his statuses?” It doesn’t. In fact, I am pretty sure God is busy
with other
God-like duties such as continuing to curse the Cubs and Maple Leafs
than to monitor social media for those “spreading the Good Word.”To be fair, I don't remember this passage in the Bible, either. |
You know what, how come people never even blame Satan for
tragedies? You never hear reporters saying, “Well, Tom, I am on the scene of
the tragic train full of deaf orphans and blind kittens that caught fire, and
was knocked over a cliff by an avalanche. Eyewitnesses tell me they don’t know
what kind of “god” could allow this, but are pretty sure it’s the work of
Satan.” Think about it, even the devil doesn’t get his due. Man, he must be
pissed. At least the devil can look forward to all the married gays he will be
getting in soon.
While on the topic, can I interview Russell Wilson and ask
him what “God” sounds like? Does he have a gravelly voice, a European accent,
sound suspiciously like Pete Caroll, etc? Yep,
Russ claims “God” talked to him. The reason this isn’t front page news
everywhere (ATHLETE ACTUALLY SPEAKS TO GOD!) is proof that everyone thinks this
is a goof. You don’t see the Pope lighting up Wilson’s Twitter to ask questions
about the Guy Upstairs. Because we all know this is a load of baloney. And if “God”
really did talk to Wilson, I am sure the first thing he would say is, “Why did
you throw the ball, shithead?” I guess “God” must be a Patriots fan, right?
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Look, believe whatever you want. Hell, there was a time I was convinced Mick
Foley was god, until he confessed that he was merely just “good.” Just use
your head, and be aware “god” shouldn’t be a personal concept that only works
when you find it convenient. That doesn’t make you religious; it makes you an