Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Back to The Future

I am not a big proponent of moving a step back to take a step forward. In fact, I can't envision many scenarios where dwelling in the past can lead to any positive result. Unless you're me. Because I am special, more special than you. My mommy tells me so. Do as I say, not as I do is how the saying goes. So go figure I think I have found a situation where revisiting my youth might benefit me, and the Internet at large.

As I follow "this writing thing", I have recently landed a gig (gig=free) writing for a site called You can bookmark the site and check out my first post here: Be sure to check there often, as I won't be posting those Klogs either here or over on K Theory. Remember, clicks equals love, and with AdSense, I just might get a buck or 2. Beats busking on the subway platform.

I know on the surface, it seems pretty easy stuff to write about. But I do find it challenging. For one thing, I am limited in my subject matter. Sure, it's pretty fucking hard to exhaust a category that is a decade long. But, hey, even That 70s Show ran it's course. Plus, while I really did/do enjoy a lot of the 80s stuff, I am not a big fan of recalling what a fucking loser I was. Most great writers seem to get humor from pain, and if that is the case, I should be one funny motherfucker on this site.

The site is relatively new, so it's cool to help shape it and see what the crowd is and what type of stuff they react to. I admit, while I was writing my first post, I had the 80s Sirius channel on, and it was quite a trip. It will be fun to see what type of stuff I come up with, and what Sun-In colored memories will appear. I humbly ask you to drop in from time to time. That would be like, totally awesome and tubular. Totally.

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