So there you are. It’s late at night; doesn’t matter if it’s
the week or weekend. Maybe your car is almost on E. Maybe you’ve killed your
buzz safely enough that it’s time to reward yourself with some Funyuns, “anything
that kind of looks like meat and is warm” and a Muscle Milk to balance it all
out. You get out of your car…umm, I meant to say whip, and hello, hello….
You see a vision, a hot chick. Just lounging about the gas
pumps in her “night out” clothes. And I thought this sort of thing only used to
happen on Skinemax. The video goes on for six minutes. And while I am sure some
of you boneheads are thinking, “Too long, not gonna watch” I am sure you
watched videos with hot girls that were a lot shorter than 6 minutes,
So you might want to invest the six minutes to get all the
jokes, or at least trust me knowing my jokes are gonna be almost as funny
anyway. I’m not going to tell you how to live your life. But seeing as how I am
fascinated watching hot, drunk chicks, I watched the whole thing, and here’s
what I have to say.
Video is narrated by a guy. You would think these kids would
know how to hold their damn phones at this point to get a solid picture.
Landscape, people! The location of this video is unknown, guy-let’s just call
him Tyler-stars narrating. We’ll call the girl Ashley. (Look for their
hilarious webisodes on in a week.)
The smoove leaves his voice as soon as Ash makes a move to
get into his “whip.” So I guess Ty is driving a solid car. The shot darkens as
we hear the horn go off. Tyler is not amused, and probably readjusts his sideways
cap to show as much. Ashley is hanging off the closed driver’s side door, with
a “come hither” look.
She then tries to backwardly slide into the open car window
like a drunken Danica Patrick. Ashley fails, falls onto the ground. Tyler
proves he is not a total jerkoff and tells another customer the gas pumps aren’t
working, but our girl Smash sure is. How any dude can’t at least be amused this
is happening to him is beyond me. Tyler asks if Ashley needs some help, does
she need paramedics “or something?” Just WTF could that “something” be? A
delicious Little Debbie snack cake from the store? A GrubHub? What Tyler, what?
Ashley is only wearing a red tank top (that she is clearly
rocking, BTW), Daisy Dukes and socks-no shoes. You ever wonder where those
random shoes suddenly appear from out on the road? They’re Ashley’s. Tyler
notes it’s cold out and is actually trying to be helpful, asking her her name.
She just looks at him and doesn’t answer. Man, there really isn’t much to NOT
like about a girl like this! Her equilibrium is off as she dips up and down,
then holds onto the car as she moves to the passenger side.
As she moves, I see what appears to be an Impala plate on
the side of the car. Tyler’s “whip” is a Chevy? A Chevy Impala? Yea, it’s
black, shiny and got rims, but I think the guys down at Pep Boys wouldn’t even
classify this as a “whip.” Ashley snakes her way into the car via the open
passenger side window. Huh? Didn’t Tyler say it was cold? And he has both
windows open just to fill up? Ashley starts mumbling about his whip, probably
something like, “Eshvenn Iz know a Shebby Impala ishnt a whhhip.” She tries to
stand up in the front seat. Tyler remains a gentlemen, tell Ash he’s about to
call his sisters over here to “fuck you up.”
Tyler starts dropping the F bombs, then says something in
Spanish. Hmm, perhaps “Tyler” was a poor choice to name him. Too late, he’s
stuck with it. Plus I am far too lazy to re-edit this anymore than I have to.
Tyler storms over to the passenger side, opens the door and tells her to get
the f out. I’m thinking, “DUDE, there are guys that would KILL to stop for a
fill up, and end up with a drunken cutie in their car.” That’s a major pull,
Ty! She stumbles out, Ty continues with the f bombs, and tells her “it’s
already bad enough you already got so many finger prints on my car!” Ugh, one
of these guys.
Tyler goes about filling up, even though he earlier said the
pumps weren’t working. Maybe he was just being a dickhead so no one took the
last of the Premium for his whip. Tyler gives her some life lessons. He continues
to call her dumb, as I’m starting to wonder just where in the hell this camera
is. It doesn’t appear to be him holding his phone, does he wear a GoPro or
Turns out Ashley stole his cigarettes, so Tyler goes to get
them. The cigarettes are a brand I’ve never heard of called Sandia. I guess that’s
the brand all whip owners smoke. Sounds like cheap Indian tobacco to me. Ty
finally turns the camera to him as he now laments the situation he finds
himself in. His name is clearly not Tyler at this point, sorry hombre. I am
positive you are not one of those bad hombres I’ve been hearing about. He
continues to go off on Ashley, as we see her now crawling on the ground like
the girl from The Ring. There’s a story as to how Ash got in this shape and
ended up at this gas station, but we will never, never know.
"Must...get...grape" |
Like a drunken zombie (my Halloween costume every year by
the way), Lady A stumbles back to the passenger side, reaches into the whip and
takes his radio! Huh? It’s almost 2017 and they’re still making removable
radios? I know I am not in the whip culture, but this is news to me. She hands
it back to him, Ty gets into the whip. Finally, some of the people who actually
work at the gas station arrive on scene. They were probably watching the whole
time, rolling their eyes because they didn’t want to deal with this shit,
It turns out Ashley broke Tyler’s radio. Now Tyler can’t
listen to his God-awful auto-tuned “music.” He joins with a gas station
employee as they follow Ashley, who is now walking like a teetering penguin. As
they approach her, the video goes Sopranos and suddenly ends.
There are some things we will never know or understand, my
friends. This is one of them.
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