There I was, 11 at night. I had just finished watching the
Impractical Jokers channel. What, you don’t have that channel? It used to be
called Tru TV, but every time I click on by, it’s IJ. I’m not complaining
though. But, GD, am I sick of the Law and Order channel. Talk about bumming
yourself out.
Every time I turn on the local news, it’s the same damn
thing. Shootings, police lights, political moves that make you scratch your
head. The formula never changes. It’s not news, it’s bad news. Turn on any of the 24 hour “news” channels, and it’s ridiculous.
I turn on one channel and the issue is A. B and C. I turn on another news
channel, and the same issue is presented as strictly X, Y and Z. Throw in the
bullshit links people seem to like on their social media, and it’s no wonder we
don’t know what to think.
This needs to change. I think, quite honestly, there needs
to be a Kevolution of how and what news is presented. It got me to thinking-how
would I change the news? How would I do it so it is more appealing, not so doom
and gloom?
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"Am I needed here?" |
Why do they have to be negative stories? Why does it have to
be about people dying, or overdosing or being stupid? Why can’t it be good,
positive, inspirational, encouraging news? I’m not talking about that bullshit,
hippy dippy drivel that one friend always posts on FB like nature quotes and
bullshit. What if the news was actually about good people doing good things for
other people? What if the top story was about a good person doing a good deed? What
if it was actually news you could use?
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My dream co-anchor. Coincidentally, also wearing my dream apron. I never even knew I had a dream apron. |
What if the news really gave you an alternative view? What if
the news was respectable? What if it was actually good news? What if it was actually honest? This is a lot to ask of
the media these days, and there’s not too many brilliant minds who could
redefine the news. In fact, I can only think of one such brilliant mind. Me.
Beat it, Huey, I'm taking over here. |
So I sat down, and started writing out just what and how I
would do it. And this is the formula I came up with. For one of the few times
in KT history, are you ready to NOT be offended? Here’s my vision.
Hello, all and welcome to Kevolution Unfiltered News
Television. That’s right the KUN…. (Nope, No, No, Wait a minute. Nope. No. OK,
so I’ll work on the title later) Here’s how a typical news cast would go.
Your Esteemed and Well Respected Journalist and Host- Kev O’Lucien.
(Ok, so that’s not my actual name, but you would be surprised how many well
established news journalists have stage names. Like, did you know Dan Rather’s
real name is Oleg Kavorskiwich? Really, go look it up.)
Kev O’Lucien-Hello everyone and welcome to the 11 o’clock
news. I am your host, the esteemed and well respected Kev O’Lucien. A pleasant
evening to you. And right now, the big story is- (dramatic pause) PUPPIES!
KO-Would you like to help out other homeless dogs? And, OK,
maybe a cat or 2? The shelter is full of them, and they would add so much to
your life. So go open up your cold, black heart.
KO-Our next story, is about unhealthy people who got healthy.
KO-Good job, guys! Very inspiring. Almost makes up for the shitty music. And lack of detail how they actually did it. I guess we'll roll part two tomorrow. And now, it’s
time for the weather, take it away, Hot Weather Girl!
HWG (with attitude)-Um, I have a name, Kevin.
KO-I’m sure you do. But we really want to know is- what the
weather is going to be like for the weekend?
HWG (pulls out her phone to look at weather app) Well,
Kevin, it’s the middle of July, so it’s what us meteorologists like to call ‘seasonal’.
It might get really hot for a few days, then cool down. If you see clouds,
there might be some rain. That’s what my Kevolution News weather app tells me.
Get the app for free now on Android, you iPhone users can shove it up your
pretentious ass. This getting all dressed up and giving you the forecast every
damn night seems pointless when your lazy ass can look up the weather literally any time you want. And back to
you, Kevin. (Pause.) And back to you, Kevin. (Another pause.) STOP LOOKING AT
One day to write this post, 8 days GIS 'hot weather girl.' These Spanish channels got it going on. |
SG (quickly looks at his phone)-Partial score tonight-Notre Dame 6. (Ok, that’s an old George Carlin bit. I’ve been listening a lot to his
channel on SXM. Even though he has been gone for some time now, a lot of his
material still holds up today.)
SG-Really, do you need more than the hometeam score? Look,
it’s the summer, and the local baseball team sucks. But you know what? There’s
a big ol’ world of sports that ain’t the “big four.” If you want that, then
please go watch channel 6s sports cast. Here, we’re gonna go over NASCAR. And
MMA. And lacrosse. You guys ever see this X Games stuff? That shit is gnarly! Hell,
tomorrow is my in depth look at Lucha Underground. If you think soccer is
boring, have you ever seen it played in the sand? Totally different! And all
this-and even more!-can be found on the Kevoluton News app. Download for all
your Android enabled devices.
KO-Thanks, Sports Guy. Hey, do you know the Weekend Sports
Guy? That guy looks like he played football. Or at least lifts. The sports
seems a bit more authentic coming from him than a pencil neck like you.
SG (tries to hide look of shame)
KO-Speaking of lifting, I hope you saw our earlier story on transformations. For more on how to get healthier, here’s Health Reporter Girl. I think
she might have been a nurse at one time. Take it away, Health Reporter Girl.
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GIS 'hot tv reporter girl' lead me to this internet celebrity. She's French and probably doesn't even report on heatlh, but hey, man, close enough. She is tres caliente. |
HRG-Do you want to be healthier? Here’s a few tips you’ve
probably heard a billion times by now, but have always ignored. This isn’t
rocket science, people. Eat better. More fruits and veggies, less Skittles and
Cheetos. Try a NutriBullet. Exercise. Maybe go to the pound from our first
story and get a new best friend who will keep you active. Join a gym or any
physical activity you find fun. Wallyball. Foxy boxing. Train for mud runs. And
ladies, protein will not make you bulky.
Join group work out classes. Thanks, and I’ll be back tomorrow to say the exact
same thing till you get it through your thick skulls. Back to you, Kevin.
(Pause.) Back to you, Kevin. (Pause.) STOP STARING AT MY BOOBS!
KO-Speaking of boob jobs, here’s a list of some local job
fairs. If you are unemployed or under employed, here are a few job fairs for
different fields. Please note, none of these job fairs offer anything for blog
writers because those dipshits never make any money. Here’s current affairs
reporter –how many damn reporters do we need, anyway-with a report about
current affairs. Over to you, Current Affairs Guy.
CAG-Look, we try to stay away from the negative stuff here,
but since we care about you viewers, here’s few tips to survive the impending
health care collapse. Get solid health care coverage for yourself and
dependents. If you can’t, then may God have mercy on your soul. By the way, the
soul is now actually a pre-existing condition. Fortunately, this isn’t a problem
for all these dickhead politicians, because they have no soul to begin with.
Back to you, Kevin.
KO-Great stuff there. Solid, really top notch. That vague
and generic tip to “get solid healthcare” doesn’t even need further
explanation. Word to my mother. If you don’t have anything to do but read idyllic
blogs this weekend, here’s a list of free and low cost activities like museums,
hikes, adult education classes, meet ups and bar crawls.
Now, let’s hear from a local visionary who has a truly
brilliant idea.
KO Wow, that guy is sharp. Genius. Keep an eye on that kid. I like the cut of his jib.
SG (off mic but still heard in background) He probably doesn't even know what a jib is.
SG (off mic but still heard in background) He probably doesn't even know what a jib is.
KO We'll have more Kevolution Theory News after you watch this and we do shots in the studio.
Cut to a few commercials, then a public service announcement.
Cut to a few commercials, then a public service announcement.
The following is a public service announcement-PUT THE
KO-And we’re back, with one last look at weather, where I
can’t imagine anything has drastically changed in the last 14 minutes.
HWG-No, tomorrow the sun will rise and set like I forecasted.
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Clearly, most of my budget will be going to the hot weather girls. |
KO-Sports Guy, anything from you?
SG-Yes, another late breaking score; the away team 17.
KO-Thanks for watching the news.