If there’s one thing you’ve figured out about me by now,
it’s I hate Xmas. Not pretend, shallow male Lifetime Xmas movie character hate
Xmas. No, this is a long standing, battle tested attitude. I will just never
understand the love for “the holidays.” Ergo, if I hate Xmas, then it’s a pretty safe
bet that I can’t stand Xmas music. I’ve said it before, and I will say it
again; “Just how many times does one need to freaking hear Jingle Bells?”
One of the viral stories from this holiday season is the
sudden outrage over a little holiday ditty called “Baby, It’s Cold Outside.” In
case you have a life, story
here. Full song lyrics here.
If you’re reading this, you’re probably busy assembling your
own attitude about this song, and you want to get an intelligent take. Here’s
my take; so you can go into work tomorrow and pretend it’s yours, you sonna bitch.
The song was written in 1944, which is, like, a hundred year
ago. And here’s two facts; at no time is there any mention of Xmas in the song
and it was written by a husband to perform with his wife. It was written to play at the end of a party to send everyone home.
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I have this hanging 24/7. |
So, what was I talking about?
Oh yea. I think it’s time to just play it safe and ban ALL Xmas songs.
Yes, maybe that’s a bit of a knee jerk reaction. But guess what? If you actually listen to some Xmas songs (like I have for the sake of this post, and I am now scarred for life. See what I do for you guys? Where’s my damn Pulitzer?) I listened to a bunch, and guess what? Each and every one contains something offensive. So let’s bubble wrap everything and protect the snowflakes and get rid of all the Xmas songs. Don’t think we should? Well, as Aerosmith sings, “Read on.” Or I think that’s what they say.
Jingle Bells. Offensive lyrics:
Oh what fun it is to
ride in a one horse open sleigh
That’s animal cruelty in 2018 folks. Why are we enslaving
such beautiful creatures (looking at you, Clydesdales) to pull our ass around?
Haven’t you seen the commercials? We’re all getting new cars for Xmas!
Deck the Halls. Offensive lyrics;
Deck the halls with
boughs of holly
Don we now, our gay apparel
You jackals! I don’t know where holly grows, but do we need
to rip it from the Earth to deck our halls? Why do halls even need holly? And
just how much holly IS a bough? It’s probably too much. And GAY apparel? How
the blue hell have the SJW not gone after this song? What is gay apparel? Ha!
You’re evil for just even thinking about it, you homophobe! I’m really starting
to feel dirty researching this post. (And, no, the Xmas porn I’ve also been
“researching” doesn’t count.)
Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer. Offensive lyrics: (oh
boy, where do we even start? And this song is relatively new compared to the
Grandma got run over
by a reindeer
She’d been drinking
too much eggnog/And we begged her not to go/But she forgot her medication/And
she staggered out the door into the snow
She had hoofprints on
her forehead/And incriminating Claus marks on her back
And the blue and
silver candles/ That would just have matched the hair in grandma’s wig
To a man who drives a
sleigh and plays with elves
Man, I swear, these songs are dirty. How is mainstream radio
getting away with playing such un PC songs? Where do I start? Just the image of
a poor, helpless grandma getting run over by a flying reindeer? How is this Christmassy? How does the
imagery of animals colliding into the elderly evoke joy? You specters with your
“holiday music.” You all should be ashamed for listening to such violent songs.
Go settle down and listen to the gangsta rap channels. And why are we painting
Gamma as an alkie as she stumbles out into the snow? Sure, she forgot her
medication; so now we’re assuming she has dementia. I know, this will make a
great Xmas song! And then let’s not only find her body, but put hoof prints on
her forehead and make Santa all handsy! Elmo and Patsy -if that’s even their
real names-should be arrested. If they’re still alive.
OK, so devil’s advocate. So what is this is a response
track? What if the titular Grandma, is actually the Baby in “Baby, It’s Cold
Outside?” What if it’s actually good ol’ grandpa trying to cajole her to stay
safe, instead of wandering out into the night full of murderous deer? Different
spin, now, huh? I’ll give you a second for your mind to recover being blown
before I ruin another holiday classic.
12 Days of Xmas. Offensive lyrics;
Just about every damn line
Wow, let’s gather the kids around the tree as we sing about
deforestation (pear trees), what I am pretty sure in animal abuse; giving
partridges, turtle dove, colly birds, French hens, geese a-laying (which I am
pretty sure means they are pregnant. Pregnant geese, this year’s perfect Xmas
gift), swans that were formerly swimming. But let’s continue with stereotypes
of “ladies dancing,” “lords a-leaping” and whatever twisted imagery you conjure
up for “maids a-milking.” This song is rubbish, and I will say as much to the
manager on duty the next time I hear it at Target.
Wanna keep going?
Have a Holly Jolly Xmas. Offensive lyrics;
Kiss her one for me
Not cool in light of all this Harvey Weinstein business, bro.
Domenick the Donkey. Offensive lyrics:
Oh fer chrissakes, take your pick
Stereotype much?
White Christmas. Offensive lyrics;
I’m dreaming of a
white Christmas
Supposedly, this is the official Xmas carol of the White
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. Offensive lyrics;
Make the yuletide gay
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I'm not even gonna caption this meme, you guys should get this one. |
Again, I’m fairly sure “gay” had a different connotation
when this song was first written. Still, it could be taken as a slur, so we’re
best just ditching the entire song. You guys happy now? This also means we
gotta scrub the Flintstones theme song, now, too. Hey, I don’t like it either,
but rules is rules, and I didn’t start this mess.
Santa Claus Is Coming to Town. Offensive lyrics;
He sees you when you’re
He knows when you’re
He knows if you’ve
been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake
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"If you have no problem with this song, give it a thumbs up." |
Hey kids, let's sing a song about a creepy old dude who watches you when you sleep! Why are we celebrating a guy that allegedly watched kids
when they’re sleeping and “knows” if they’ve been bad or good. I didn’t even bring
up this supposed list that keeps track of the naughty and nice. But, fuck it,
let’s put this guy on Coke bottles and CBS specials.
Ok, so let me ask the breeders and Earth haters out there a
question. If there was some strange dude sitting in the mall, would you send
your precious little snowflake to go sit
in his lap and confess their deepest desires? No, of course not. So why do you do it when there’s a stranger
dressed like Santa in the mall?
Santa Baby. Offensive lyrics;
Hurry down my chimney tonight
Come and trim my Xmas tree
Everyone knows chimney is slang for vagina. Also, we all know what "trim my Xmas tree" really means. We're all adults here, some with nicely trimmed chimneys.
^^That is seriously the best line I have written all year.^^^
It appears the girl in question in the song desires Santa to be her sugar daddy; she also wants a convertible, yacht, diamond ring, duplex and checks. Now, I ain't sayin' but there's a word for women like this.
Look, I am sure there are more offensive Xmas songs. The
fact of the matter there are just so many I can subject myself to in the name
of science. But I think I’ve more than proven my case. I don’t think we need to
hear anymore Xmas songs. Ever. It’s apparently what we want.
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