Thursday, June 5, 2008

Summer's Gone

Originally written 9/6/7

“Summer’s gone.”

There’s a great song by Beth Hart called Summer’s Gone that plays over and over in my head this time of year. It was never a huge hit-her biggest song was LA Song. I’m having a hell of a time trying to find a MP3 of it to put on here. I’m not the type to reprint lyrics, her delivery makes the song. I will continue to try to find a way to get it on here. Until then, it’s just like all the other voices in my head. But it’s totally appropo for this time of year.

As I write this, it’s Labor Day night. It still feels like a Sunday. It seems like it was just the other day when I was watching the news on Memorial Day, reporting on all the shore traffic. And now it’s into September. Even without a job, the summer still flew by. I don’t understand it. Even without a job, I feel like I didn’t appreciate it enough. So since I am in the mood, I thought I’d try to write some thoughts about the Summer of 2000-Kevin.

I saw a ton of good bands this summer. Godsmack, Asia, Chris Isaak, Rush,Stray Cats stick out. Rush was a bit odd, because my WEA hookup got me the tix, then had to deal with the meet and greet. It was good to be on the other side of the fence, as he had to deal with all the headaches. I got thanked on another CD this summer. I’m not the movie type, but all three that I saw were worth the money; Knocked Up, Dale the Movie and the Simpsons Movie. I didn’t win any money in the hockey pool this year, which is a first. (And I almost picked Anaheim to win it all, too.)

2 trips to the beach. Virginia Beach for a Sand Soccer tournament. It was the most real, competitive thing I’ve done since getting my knee operated on. I was glad it was not an issue. But again, we got our asses handed to us. I got into pretty good shape for not playing in 2 years, and it sucks to just get your ass handed to you. It wasn’t much fun. But, o, the parties. I’ve always said of my team, we may never win a game, but we never lose a party. We even wised up and moved the party outside the hotel, to the top floor of the parking lot. Still fun, and I enjoy feeling part of a team. Even if I didn’t play our last game to let 2 young kids play. One of them scored, so I count that as my contribution to the team. The other trip was documented at length in the Vacation posts.

It was good to spend some time with Bauer. Take him to the Bark Park. We started taking him on trails, and he loves that, too. Kicks his ass, so he’s mellow the rest of the day. I would have liked to been more physically active, but, Goddamn, it sure was hot.

My occasional dalliance with some form of alcohol grew to pretty much addiction, so I got that going for me.

Went on a couple interviews. Didn’t find The Job, but I am better prepared for it. I did have a job for one day. BTW, those Cold Case shows will air the 3rd and 5th week of the season I believe, so be sure to watch.

A few regrets. Didn’t make it to Great Adventure. Didn’t get Bau to the beach (yet). No gelatti at Rita’s. Missed the Roger Clyne show and Halloween movie just to keep a few bucks in the bank. Not enough cooking out.

All in all, a good summer. It was hard to truly enjoy it with no job, though. I would rather be working, making money, feeling like I am making some sort of difference. Somehow, I still didn’t spend enough time in the hammock.

As August drew on, all the signs were there. Summer was coming to a close. Here’s just a few things that makes me say that. Feel free to disagree, you commie pinko bastard. Shark Week. Back in the day, SW used to be in late August. Then, as it grew to be the monster that it is, they moved it to late July. Still, it’s a sign to me. NFL training camps. Big sign there, followed a few weeks later by fantasy drafts. Inevitable motard Eagles fan blindly scream Super Bowl and prove they can spell at least one word over five letters.

Back to school sales. Yea, I know, duh, Kev. Every year they seem to happen earlier and earlier. Maybe I should change that one to Halloween sales, which is never, ever a bad thing.

A few more signs that I have recently noticed. I go to the gym in the morning now, and over the last 2 weeks, all the teachers have suddenly disappeared. There’s been an undeniable slight chill in the night air. It makes for good sleeping weather, though. The occasional dead leaf blowing through the lawn. The trees aren’t changing yet, but soon enough they will. This time of the year, I always have a few weird dreams about high school. It’s always to do with it me totally missing a class-usually religion, surprise-and having to go back. And just this weekend, my flip-flop broke. That’s a sure sign if there ever was one.

It’s kinda funny how all you hear now in the ads are “back to work”, back to school”, etc. Like there was some sort of unannounced notice that said “OK, it’s summer now, you can all slack off and pick it back up in the fall”. That’s one of the things I love about summer, it the attitude just about everyone has. It’s laid back, it’s casual. Then-bang!-it’s past labor Day, and we’re being told to get back to work when honestly, most of us have been there all along. Like fall should bring back a bad attitude or something. The attitude now is more dire, more sour, and I don’t get that.

And fall isn’t totally horrible. Football starts. Hockey training camps open in 2 weeks. Halloween. October Fests and fall brews. All these snot nose kids are back in school and the hell off of my lawn. It’s easier to sleep at night (and I guess during the day, then, too)

But, still I miss summer.

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